Today the human body is being attacked on a cellular level. The solution is a high intake of antioxidants, consistently, allowing the body to create healthy cells that will heal themselves.

Have a watch of the many testimonials around the world. Ionized Water is changing people’s lives one glass at a time.




How Ionized Water Saved Theresa’s Life

Bob Wright - Author of Killing Cancer Not People

Type I Diabetes


Helping Autism

Stage 4 Throat Cancer




Dr. Shinya - Leading Gastro-Enterologist

Dr. Corinne Allen - Your Brain on Water


Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Leading Gastro-enterologist

“I have examined more than 300,000 people’s stomachs and intestines for 35 years and realize that our health depends largely on our dietary life.

“It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health. Drinking “good water;” especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH.”

“Kangen Water is alkaline rich water (ph 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation.”

Dr. Shinya pioneered modern colonoscopic techniques, and invented the electrosurgical polypectomy snare now common on colonoscopes, allowing for removal of colon polyps without invasive surgery. Shinya is also known for his health theory.


Dr. Dave Carpenter, Naturopathic Physician

“This [alkalizing] program contains a whole new way of looking at diet and nutrition. When followed, it leads to a healthy, lean, trim body and an enhanced level of wellness, energy and mental clarity most people have not experienced previously.”

“Based on years of research and observation, we have concluded that over acidification of the body is the underlying cause of all disease. Because many people consume a diet primarily comprised of acid forming foods, (i.e. sugars, meat, dairy, yeast breads, coffee, alcohol, starches, etc.) rather than whole plant foods, they are frequently sick and tired.”

“In my experience, Kangen Water supercharges your nutritional program better than anything. Water is the key and this [Enagic® Kangen Water] is the best water I know of. Anyone who gives it an honest try will experience it in their own health, without question!”


Dr. Corinne Allen, Nutritionist

“Brain inflammation can occur from many causes including: head injuries, premature birth, lack of oxygen and various infections. The resulting inflammation can provide dysfunction in the body’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. They can also exhibit mitochondria that have low energy output and high free-radical generation. Often those with brain challenges like Autism and Aspergers, drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in brain functioning. In Autistics and others where brain inflammation is high, toxins can more easily cross the blood brain flooding the brain with free radicals. Kangen Water has been providing my clients with a strong source of antioxidants and improved hydration. In our brain programs we observed that our therapeutic expectations have been significantly exceeded by adding Kangen Water to the treatment plan.”


Dr Richard Cohen MD - The Truth About Ionized Antioxidant Anti-Inflammatory Water

Blood Analysis - Before and After Drinking Ionized Water

For our Furry Friends…

Dr. Tim Crowe - Why Vets & Pets love Ionized water

What are Celebrities and Athletes Drinking?

Every person below enjoyes Enagic’s Medical Grade Water. And we wonder why they look so good!

Celebrities on Kangen 2020 10.22.20.PNG

Shan Stratton & Seattle Seahawks

Kim Lyons - Celebrity Fitness Trainer

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